
Waiter, Stewart and Arthur in Confusions by Alan Ayckbourn
at The Mermaid Studio, London.
Produced by Theatre Unlimited.
Directed by John Link.
"...those pale watery eyes which swim so expressively in the waxy angles of his face." - Michael Wright, Time Out.
"Paul Vates' subtle quirkly style is the most watchable." - Emma Gregg, The Good Times

Full cast breakdowns:
Mother Figure:
Leigh Rogers as Lucia
Lucia Fausset as Rosemary
William Roose-Martin as Terry
Drinking Companion:
Christopher Whittingham as Harry
Leigh Rogers as Paula
Lucia Fausset as Bernie
William Roose-Martin as Waiter
Between Mouthfuls:
Paul Vates as Waiter
Christopher Whittingham as Pearce
Lucia Fausset as Mrs Pearce
William Roose-Martin as Martin
Leigh Rogers as Polly
Gosforth's Fete:
Lucia Fausset as Mrs Pearce
Leigh Rogers as Milly
Christopher Whittingham as Gosforth
William Roose-Martin as Vicar
Paul Vates as Stewart
A Talk In The Park:
Paul Vates as Arthur
Leigh Rogers as Beryl
Christopher Whittingham as Charles
Lucia Fausset as Doreen
William Roose-Martin as Ernest