Chiltern Film Society - July 2018

It’s starting all over again! For the 50th time, the committee have sat down and worked out a programme of films to show. A tough endeavour, from a long-list of over a hundred titles, it has been reduced down to 14 (with one to be chosen in the New Year).

To think it all began in 1969, when a motley collection of local people (predominantly teachers) set up the Amersham & Chesham Film Society. They booked the hall at The White Hill Centre, purloined two projectors and began booking films.
The movies arrived in 16mm format and each reel was lined up, the hope being that as one finished, the next projector could seamlessly begin and there would be no break in the film. What could possibly go wrong? Well, quite a few things, like the reels being shown in the wrong order on Cinema Paradiso. Not 1,2,3,4 but 1,2,4,3. Did anyone notice? Well, of course not, at first. Everyone thought it was ‘artistic’...
After a move to The Elgiva, in 2003 we became the Chiltern Film Society, still with the same aims as today: to present international independent films, that compliment the programming of The Elgiva, with roughly a 50/50 split between English and Foreign films. Most are award-winning - all are considered to be ‘arthouse’.
A few years ago The Elgiva went digital, providing even better quality picture and sound. Over the years we have presented over 650 films, ranging from Buster Keaton’s silent classic The General to Blade Runner 2049.
By the time you read this our 50th Season programmes will be at the printers and we’ll be preparing to announce them all. In the meantime, look out for some exciting news regarding open-air screenings around Chesham this summer in conjunction with The Elgiva.
For more information about the Chiltern Film Society check out our website (printed large below) or email us at
Paul Vates, Chairman, CFS