Chiltern Film Society - September 2018

There are too many films to mention - so no room for waffle this month!!
Our stunning 2018-2019 Season kicks off on September 5th with The Post. It’s a drama about a real-life battle between the press and the US government - sounds familiar?!? It took Steven Spielberg NINE months to make it, from start to finish - first draft of the script to the final edit.
This is quickly followed by the Oscar nominated romance Call Me By Your Name - on September 19th. A lush film on all levels, if nothing else for the stunning Italian scenery. One of the heart-swelling coming-of-age stories that we love so much ...
Remember - you can still join CFS! At a cost of £50 you get to see 15 films (that’s £3.33 per film). We’re always at the Elgiva Theatre in Chesham and our film nights are always a Wednesday! We’re nothing if not regular...
Finally, on September 26th, our third film of the Season will be The Breadwinner. An award-winning animation from Ireland, it’s about a young girl being forced to disguise herself as a boy in Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban.
And squeezed in-between all those, there is the final Open-Air Screening of the summer: The Greatest Showman. This Alfresco Movie is brought to you courtesy of The Mayor of Chesham and The Elgiva. It will be at The Bury in Old Chesham on Saturday 15th September (for details and tickets, contact The Elgiva direct: on the interweb and 01494 582900 by telephone).
For more information about the Chiltern Film Society check out our website, email us at or call us on 07754 058859.
Paul Vates, Chairman, CFS