HQ Crime Fiction Showcase
HQ Crime Fiction Showcase
At HarperCollins, The News Building, London Bridge

On a glorious 17th Floor - with twinkling views of London-by-night - we were surrounded by a stunning range of crime authors. Bestsellers such as Linwood Barclay mingled with debut writers like Melanie Golding.

All the writers had works on display and editors and PR flitted around like hoverflies, introducing everyone who made eye contact. If you tried to avoid eye contact, they gently nudged you until you did, then the introductions began! A succession of handshakes, questions, answers, drinks, canapes, handshakes, drinks, conversation, drinks and laughter made the evening fly by. Did I mention the drinks?

The only way to be fair is to list the authors that the HQ will be printing in the next twelve months or so: Khurrum Rahman, Mick Finlay, Roz Watkins, Vicky Newham, Phoebe Morgan, Mel McGrath, Christina McDonald, Will Caine, Kerry Barnes, Ross Armstrong, Lisa Hall, Melanie Golding, Faith Martin, Alice Feeney, Amanda Jennings, Suzy K Quinn, Annabel Kantaria, Helen Warner, Linwood Barclay, C J Skuse, Kia Abdullah, Louise Jensen and Louise Hare.
These works cover so many aspects of crime - historic, witty, thriller, contemporary… you name, it’ll be here. So many good books to look forward to.
Thanks to HarperCollins, HQ and all their brilliant team. And, of course, to the wonderful authors.