Chiltern Film Society - February 2019

Subtitles Rule!
Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of the Film Society is watching movies from all over the world. Whether Japanese or Italian or Danish - you soon get used to the subtitles (and, let’s face it, with some of the mumbling coming out of Hollywood these days, maybe subtitles should be on ALL films - am I right?!)
Anyway - being unafraid of subtitles allows us to show some of the best international movies around. February is no exception to this rule.

We begin, on the 6th, with In Between - an Israeli French film in Hebrew and Arabic about three Palestinian women, living in an apartment in Tel Aviv, trying to find a balance between traditional and modern culture.
This is followed, on the 27th February, with Menashe. It was made in America, but is predominantly in Yiddish - with a smattering of English and Spanish. It is about the titular widowed character, engulfed within Brooklyn’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community.

Menashe is battling for the custody of his son - it’s a tender drama, exploring the nature of faith and the price of parenthood.
A bonus evening, courtesy of The Elgiva, occurs on Tuesday 12th: for the superb CFS Members’ Concession Rate of £3.50 - there is a Laurel & Hardy double bill. Both classics, ironically hardly needing words at all! The Music Box and The Flying Deuces (contact the theatre for details).

For more information about the Chiltern Film Society check out our website, email us at or call us on 07754 058859.
Paul Vates, Chairman, CFS