Chiltern Film Society - July 2019

Nun But The Brave Should Read This!
Nuns have appeared in many films over the years, but perhaps the most bizarre one is about to be shown at The Elgiva this month. Breaking Habits is actually a documentary about a commune of activist nuns running an illegal cannabis farm in California.

It’s the story of Sister Kate, growing the plant for medicinal reasons - for everything from epilepsy to cancer - and fighting the authorities, the sheriff and the local cartels.
The film is showing on Thursday 18th July (at 1pm and 8pm) and CFS Members can see the latter screening for the discounted price of just £4. How often can you tick the nuns, bad guys and guns boxes in a single film? Well, actually, more often than you think!
The Blues Brothers comes to mind for all three categories - plus amazing songs, too. Which naturally leads on to The Sound Of Music and Sister Act as well.
But let’s not forget some classic nun dramas: Black Narcissus, The Song Of Bernadette, Ida, The Bells Of St Mary’s, The Nun’s Story, Doubt … somebody stop me!
Comedies? Nuns On The Run is the only one that comes to mind… There must be more, surely? Nuns, however, do crop up in a lot of horror movies.
Next month we will announce the films in our 51st Season. So exciting! Bless you all for reading this and for watching movies.
For more information about the Chiltern Film Society check our website, call us on 07754 058859 or email us at the above address.
Paul Vates, Chairman, CFS