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10-12 September 2012

“This is what writing, acting and theatre is all about”

When there is a lot of one kind of artform proliferating, there is usually a moment when the best few rise to the surface. Rose is a case in point. We are surrounded by actors doing monologues, whether from theatres or studios or their homes. Most are, sadly, worthy but forgettable. Not Rose. Rose is unforgettable.

Maureen Lipman plays the eponymous lady in this full two-hour theatrical presentation, courtesy of the excellent Hope Mill Theatre in Manchester. We see shots of her talking to no one as the seats are empty, she is alone in the space. The poignancy hits home. As do her words - a sublime Martin Sherman script that pulls on the heartstrings as much as tickles the funny bone. And this is where Maureen Lipman shines.

The story and setting are simplistic - but deep in metaphor. Rose sits on a bench, talking to herself - or is it to you? - or is it to everyone? She recounts her life with a clarity that allows you to journey with her through some of the traumas of the twentieth-century. But don’t just assume it’s two hours of heartache - the one-liners and running gags are to die for!

The production is supporting three causes: Age UK, The Fed, and UK Jewish Film.

Available only for a few days online - this is one of those quality pieces not to be missed. This is what writing, acting and theatre is all about.

Photography Channel Eighty8

Poster Art Jay Brooks

Producers Ginger Quiff Media and Hope Mill Theatre

Writer Martin Sherman

Director Scott Le Crass

Music David Cullen

Running Time over 2 hours


Price £8 (plus booking fee)

Twitter @Gingerqmedia, @Hopemilltheatr1

Instagram @Gingerquiffmedia, @HopeMillTheatre


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