Jun 11, 2015
A & E
The Writers' Block #17 - Theme: A & E - a maximum of two characters The booth used to look inviting, in a corporate kind of way. An...

Apr 21, 2015
A Doll's House, Read Again And Again
When a theatre invites you to produce a play of your choice because of the success of your previous production, you don’t take it...

Apr 2, 2015
Voyage And The Return
The Writers' Block #15 - Theme: voyage and the return Unaware of my watching them, Aphrodite and Poseidon seemed unsure what to do. They...

Mar 7, 2015
The Newcomer
Task: Write a story to enter the Words For The Wounded Literary Competition Hello, mate. Don’t be shy. I won’t bite. What’s your name?...

Feb 19, 2015
Confusion Resolved
The Writers' Block #14 - Theme: confusion resolved ‘I don’t understand.’ ‘Can you confirm your name, please?’ She wasn’t joking. ‘Thomas...

Feb 12, 2015
Mrs Harris' Knickers
Task: Feature colour White. They had to be white. She was that kind of woman. I was so confident that I staked my dinner money on it....

Jan 9, 2015
Similies and Metaphors
Task: Choose a book at random and open at a random page. Select the first five similies and metaphors, then use them in a story ‘I’m not...

Jan 8, 2015
Fatal Flaw
The Writers' Block #13 - Theme: fatal flaw ‘We don’t even know what they’re called.’ Callum had been the first to break the silence as...

Nov 21, 2014
The Writers' Block #12 - Theme: quest He grabbed his trusty bollock-knife, crawled on his belly and peered over the hilltop. Callum could...

Oct 3, 2014
A Day In The Life
I am an actor and writer. No two days are the same. That’s part of the lifestyle I accept and face-up to. Most people, I am sure, abhor...