Aug 1, 2018
Chiltern Film Society - August 2018
Yes - that’s right. My, how quickly it comes around. Of course - the above message is for our old and trusted members - yet we are always...

Jul 15, 2018
CFS for The Chesham Society
[This appeared in Focus Magazine - Summer edition 154] The world was a different place in 1969. There were brand new human footsteps on...

Jul 1, 2018
Chiltern Film Society - July 2018
It’s starting all over again! For the 50th time, the committee have sat down and worked out a programme of films to show. A tough...

Jun 1, 2018
Chiltern Film Society - June 2018
Phew! We have completed our 49th season of films. It is now a time for reflection as we look back over them and study the feedback forms...

Jun 1, 2017
Interview with actor Steven Cree
Steven Cree is an up-and-coming young actor and I was given the chance to chat to him for a few minutes… Thanks for giving me a few...

May 23, 2017
Star Wars Identities: The Exhibition
STAR WARS™ IDENTITIES: THE EXHIBITION At O2 CENTRE, LONDON A long time ago (40 years to be precise) in a galaxy far, far away (Leeds in...

Jan 3, 2017
FILM REVIEW Prevenge “She can make these movies until the cows come home, before slaughtering them for a barbecue without a hint of irony...